I could honestly say that I never saw this day coming because I didn’t know if I would have ever overcome this fear. I am pretty sure I have mentioned it on my blog before how fear has stopped me many times from doing anything that requires me to speak publicly. But the very thing I am afraid of, is what God has consistently and constantly been nudging me to do.
Oh my goodness! Can you even believe it? My blog is 8 years old and given the fact that I have a Gmail account, my YouTube channel was automatically created December of 2012. But it isn’t until now that I am finally launching it and no matter how long it took, today I can say that I am so proud of myself for making this first step.
After recording my first video at the end of February, I was debating what significant day I should launch. I didn’t want to delay any longer and wait for my birthday in May but then I realized that March – Women’s History Month – was around the corner. Today, March 8th is International Women’s Day and what better time to do something that could inspire women around the world to push past their fears and step into their purpose!

I was also inspired by the tribe of women that God put in my life and I can honestly and truly say I probably wouldn’t have made this move without them. There aren’t enough words to say thank you but I must take the time to publicly honor my accountability partners, prayer warriors and purpose pushers. I am so blessed to be surrounded by this group of motivators who not only encourage me with words but also by the way they live their lives. In order not to forget anyone, I won’t name any names but you all know who you are. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU & HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY!

Encouraging women to live full, colorful lives has been my blog’s mission since day 1 and now I can fully and authentically continue on that mission by showing a concrete example of being afraid but moving forward anyway. Being a light and a source of inspiration for people I may never meet and doing so while giving God glory is truly fulfilling.
Zechariah 4:10 says:
“Do not despise the days of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”
As I’m typing this, I have zero subscribers but guess what, my Heavenly Father is rejoicing because the work He assigned to me has begun and that matters to me more than anything. I really pray that this launch would represent for you what it represents for me, which is obedience, courage and a fresh start. What do you need to be obedient about? What do you need to have the courage to do? Where can you start fresh on a new path? Answer these questions for yourself and launch my friend. With God by your side, all things are possible.
With no further ado, please click here to watch my first video and subscribe to my channel. I cannot wait to hear your feedback!
Yaasss! Proud of you!
Thanks so much sis. Appreciate you 🧡
I’m super proud of you!!!! You are such truly an inspiration and may you continue to soar!!!!
Thank you sooooo much sis! That means sooooo much to me 🧡 I appreciate you 🧡