“If you allow yourself to feel fabulous, you are fabulous.” Natalia Kills
“Don’t you ever change one brushstroke in your canvas because somebody doesn’t like what you paint.” – Tyler Perry
“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James
dis·cern·ment – diˈsərnmənt/ – noun the ability to judge well. My mom always told me that some people come to your life for a season and others for a lifetime. But learning to differentiate between the two can be the result of terrible backstabbing experiences and other lessons learned the hard way so to prevent such unnecessary pains, I figured I’d share 3 ways you can differentiate fake friends vs. real friends.
I had to come to terms with the fact that I was an ‘organization freak’ who completely lacked self discipline. You know the type of girl whose room is neat, the girl who can tell if someone touched any of her shoes… You know, the kind of girl who uses a planner to schedule her whole life, and then accomplishes none of the things planned. Yup, that was me during most of my 20’s.