Why is it so difficult to ask for help?

Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit

This look is a typical fall work outfit for me while it is cool enough to wear skirts. This Ankara top from Laviye has been in my closet for a couple of years and has stood the test of time. The balloon sleeves and tied neck detail make for the perfect statement top to elevate your fall wardrobe. These satin bow pumps from Zara are simply stunning. I’m praying they bring them back in more colors.

Outfit details: ZARA skirt (similar here) // ZARA bow pumps (similar here) // LAVIYE top (previously worn here) // MVMT sunglasses

Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit Fall colors - mustard & brown work outfit

There’s this famous Haitian proverb that says “Men anpil, chay pa lou” which translates to “With many hands, the load is light.” Yet, knowing this, many of us still choose not only to not ask for help but also to reject help when it is offered. We all want to be independent but there’s a reason our Creator said that it wasn’t good for men to be alone. It’s probably the same reason solitary confinement is an even greater punishment for those already behind bars, but yet we think we can make it through life alone.

Granted, some of us are so used to being let down that asking for help just sounds like the perfect set up for disappointment. Not asking is a great defense mechanism, however, you risk being burnt out if you carry your load alone. I’m not suggesting that you delegate the things you can do to others or to abuse the help offered by your supportive circle but it is also necessary to know when to ask for a helping hand instead of succumbing to the weight of your to-do list.

As this week starts, be sure to prioritize properly. The important gets done first, the urgent follows if time permits and the rest should either be delegated, rescheduled or shared with those who can lighten the load. By not asking or accepting help, we deny the person on the other end of our requests the opportunity to be useful and the chance to put their gifts and talents to use. Yes, it takes courage to ask for help so never mistake it for a sign of weakness. We all need each other to make it to the top, so how may I help you?


  1. Clo Boireau
    11/05/2018 / 7:19 PM

    “When you give help, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret.” Mt 6: 3-4. I haven’t personally been turned down when I ask for help but I have been taught by my mom, of course, when giving help to someone to never feel bad about it, never regret it and most important, not to talk about it. Many people are reluctant to ask for help because the person who’s helping vents about it to the whole world. Another reason is that sometimes the helping person makes you feel you owe them for the rest of your life. Yes, it takes me a lot of courage to ask for help.
    These days, I have a thing for yellow, I’ve been dressing up in yellow to go to work. Love the colors. I write too much, I know, sorry.

    • 11/05/2018 / 9:30 PM

      Don’t apologize. I totally enjoy the detailed feedback! You’re absolutely right… Helping someone should not be a way to hold that person hostage; if that’s the case, it defeats the whole purpose of being helpful… I was addressing those of us who have an inner circle we can rely on and yet are still too ashamed or too prideful to ask for help… that isn’t healthy either!

      Yellow is a great color for all skin tones 🙂 glad you’re rocking it to the office instead of just the standard neutrals! Brighten up your wardrobe, brighten up your days! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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