How life is forcing me to overcome my fear of public speaking

I remember it like it was yesterday. My first speech class in High School. I was fresh out of Haiti, spoke little to no English, already shy by nature and now I had to stand in front of the class and speak in this foreign tongue. If my speech lasted 5 minutes, I cried every. single. second. of. it. Every single time, the entire semester.

One day, our speech teacher assigned a persuasive speech as homework. Writing down the assignment at home was no big deal. But as usual, when it was my turn, I told myself I would fight back the tears. LIES! As soon as I started my speech, the tears came as they always did but I got through it. My classmates were kind enough never to make fun of me but although I was always embarrassed for being such a cry baby, I just couldn’t help it.

When it was their turn to speak, they all spoke with no apparent fear but the content of their speeches left the teacher underwhelmed. After everyone’s speech was complete, he told the class that they could have done better and that Edwina was the only person who followed the directions he gave. *insert shocked face* WHAT? I could not believe my ears. Are you actually complimenting the cry baby? I think in that moment, a seed of confidence was planted in me. It would be years before I would be more comfortable in front of an audience but although I am still a work in progress, each time, it gets a little easier.

This month alone, I served as a lector at my church multiple times, I was interviewed for a local TV show as part of the Executive Board of a non-profit organization, I served as the spokesperson in a small group Bible study, I volunteered to pray at the end of said Bible study, and I participated in a video campaign with fellow bloggers. Sometimes, I can’t believe I am the same little girl who was cowed into silence at the mere thought of public speaking.

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Am I a public speaking professional now? Absolutely not. My voice still cracks when my nerves take over. I use my hands a lot as I speak to calm myself down but one thing’s for sure, I will not let fear stop me from God’s best for me. I refuse to turn down any opportunity that requires me to stand in front of an audience. Who knows? Maybe one day I will do a TED talk. Maybe one day, I will host a conference. Maybe one day, I will speak on a panel. Nothing will stop me from living a life of purpose and fear will certainly not stop me from giving God the glory He deserves by fully utilizing the talents He gave me. I’m still horrified at the idea of starting a YouTube channel so this message is also a pep talk to myself to just do it…

So today, I ask you this: What are you afraid of? Have you taken a step towards breaking down those fears? Remember friend, it’s in the doing that the fear will dissolve itself. So get to work, do it scared but whatever you do, don’t be paralyzed into stagnation – i.e. lack of activity, growth, or development! What’s not growing, is dying so by all means, make a move!


  1. Dee
    04/25/2019 / 8:47 AM

    This is so encouraging! I would have never known. Super proud of you. I’m learning to not let fear stop me in different areas this year too. It takes a lot to keep reminding ourselves of this but it is so rewarding to see God move through us and get glory for the gifts He’s placed inside of us. Let’s keep stepping out in faith!

    • 04/25/2019 / 10:10 AM

      Thanks so much Dee ❤️ We all face fear one way or another but what we do with that fear determines the outcome of our lives. It would be terrible to get to heaven and not be able to show God that we were good stewards of our gifts and talents. We must step out in faith and always take the first step even when we can’t see the whole staircase!

      Thanks so much for reading. Appreciate your feedback!

  2. Malita
    04/24/2019 / 9:51 PM

    And let the church say AMEN!!! It’s crazy how many things we miss out on because of fear but God did not give us the spirit of fear. If we can only remind ourselves over and over again that fear is not from God.

    • 04/24/2019 / 10:18 PM

      Amen and indeed!!! Every time we do something scared, we realize it wasn’t that bad to begin with… most of the things we’re afraid of will happen never actually happen so we worry for no reason! Time to claim our power back 🙂

  3. Clothilde
    04/24/2019 / 9:14 PM

    That’s one fear, I’ll never be able to overcome. I did many presentations. I got A+ for my presentations back in college. But every time, ke’m rive anba plat pied m .If its a small group, I have no issues but more than 10 people. I always think I’ll pass out especially le m pou pale devan yon ekip blan.

    • 04/24/2019 / 10:16 PM

      Hahaa 😂 girl I know the feeling all too well but never say never! You never know when you’ll be in a situation where you have to speak up… So better practice while you can!

  4. Bernie Mat
    04/24/2019 / 7:33 PM

    You’ve already spoken on a panel…. remember career day at church? You can cross that off the list! Ted talk next

    • 04/24/2019 / 8:00 PM

      Oh my gosh! You’re so right… I completely forgot about that! 🙈 I would totally freak out if I ever had to do a Ted Talk but God is full of surprises. You just never know… I look forward to the day you do yours too! 🙂

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