Why are we afraid of our own ideas succeeding?

If you follow me on social media (@versicloset), you may have noticed that I’ve recently started coordinating weddings. The success and endless positive feedback of the first three events that I was in charge of made me realize that this is something that I am meant to do long term – part of my purpose and calling if you will…

I then started thinking about the fact that I’ve been planning events for years and I even interned with an event planner years ago but still remained at a standstill when it came time to establish a business plan and officially start the business because… FEAR. God gave me a vision for an event planning business all the way back when I was in college and I graduated 9 years ago. The dream was so big that it scared me right into complacency. I mean, this little girl from Haiti couldn’t possibly be an entrepreneur. Where would I start? With what money? That’s definitely a long term thing. Maybe next year. Maybe in ten years. Maybe, maybe… Blah blah blah… EXCUSES!!! And I know I’m not alone in this. So many of us sit on dreams and ideas simply because we’re scared of the unknown.

This jumpsuit is a beauty gifted to me from my friends over at PrettyLittleThing. It fits absolutely amazing and I love the fact that I had the option to pull it off my shoulders during the summer. The colors will definitely work for Fall as well so this will be a great transitional piece. At only $45, it is a must have. Click here and happy shopping!

What if we just took things one day at a time and simply had the faith to take the first step even when we don’t see the whole staircase? Yes, we should start by doing some research but there’s no rule that requires us to have everything figured out before we pursue the dreams that God has placed in our hearts. He’s our Heavenly Father and knows exactly what we need at all times but just like a GPS, He only notifies us of the next turn after we’ve executed the last thing He instructed us to do. If we really trusted that He will provide grace for each day’s struggles, we wouldn’t spend days worrying about things that don’t even end up happening as I mentioned in this post about the effects of stress on our bodies.

This jumpsuit is a beauty gifted to me from my friends over at PrettyLittleThing. It fits absolutely amazing and I love the fact that I had the option to pull it off my shoulders during the summer. The colors will definitely work for Fall as well so this will be a great transitional piece. At only $45, it is a must have. Click here and happy shopping!

We’ve delayed and procrastinated far too long darlings. It is time to get to work. I’ve read somewhere that “the enemy cannot take your talent away but if he manages to waste your time or fill your life with distractions, your talents will never manifest.” We can’t call ourselves Christians and let the enemy distract us from our purpose and waste our time for years. When it is all said and done, the goal is to be called a good and faithful servant so are you being a good and faithful steward of your gifts and talents?

Think about that, be honest with yourself and make changes accordingly. Until next time!


  1. Malita
    09/10/2019 / 12:08 PM

    You can say this a million times again!! Fear is really a paralysis that keeps us from walking in our purpose. And God did not give us a spirit of fear! Go on and walk in that purpose girl and if you sit and procrastinate on something for another 10 years, I’ll just go ahead and slap you 😂.

    • 09/10/2019 / 12:10 PM

      A paralysis indeed! 😩 you should’ve slapped me a decade ago. Lol now I gotta slap you for not slapping me. Lol 😂

  2. Farah Fresnel
    09/09/2019 / 5:48 PM

    I love this post. You are not alone Don’t give up. Go for it. The future is bright.

    • 09/09/2019 / 6:01 PM

      Thank you so much Farah! So glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for the encouragement 🙂

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