So God told me to give up noise for Lent and this is what happened…

We’ve all become so accustomed to noise that we can’t function in silence. The idea of stillness seems so foreign to our generation and honestly, I didn’t realize how much I too was super dependent on the constant stimulation my phone’s apps provided, until I had to spend 40 days without YouTube videos, Apple music or any of my favorite Podcasts. It was a struggle!

This suit is from Zara. Enough said! (read: PERFECTION!) It is sold out in white but still available in blue. Tuxedo jacket here. Tuxedo pants here.

There’s nothing wrong with these platforms for entertainment and even for educational purposes but when they consume our lives and become a form of addiction, we should pull back the curtain and see what we can do differently. I suppose this is why so many people do a social media detox every once in a while. Have you ever taken a break from social media? How did that go for you. Share in the comments below!

I wore this suit for my Easter church service this year… Can’t believe it took me 6 months to finally share these pics. It is sold out in white but still available in blue. Tuxedo jacket here. Tuxedo pants here.
Zara suit – Tuxedo jacket available in blue here. Tuxedo pants in blue here.
Snake print heels: Steve Madden
Bag: Mandee’s – similar here

Well, I was in the office one day where we have an iPod that is used solely to play endless Pandora playlists. Some of the songs that play are sometimes very inappropriate for an office setting if you ask me so as I was shaking my head in disgust at what was playing, I felt God tell me to take a break from noise for Lent. As any good Christian would do, I started saying to myself “this prompting can’t be right” and “by noise, do you mean just music or everything else?” and even “I clearly heard that wrong. God wouldn’t do that to me” *insert laughter* Isn’t it funny how we try to rationalize with God like we can get Him to change His mind? Like no sis, He said what He said and that’s final. So against my will, I started the fast on Ash Wednesday.

Before the end of the day, I texted my besties and said “Just wanted to let y’all know that silence is SUPER LOUD.” I honestly wasn’t sure I would be able to last 40 days without entertainment. I already don’t watch TV so it was tough to take away all of the things I use daily to distract myself while working, driving, cooking and everything else in between. My girls responded “It’s because you are always listening to someone saying something but God wants you to listen to Him.” *insert tears*

styling a white suit
Zara suit – Tuxedo jacket available in blue here. Tuxedo pants in blue here.
Snake print heels: Steve Madden
Bag: Mandee’s – similar here

I pushed through although to be honest, I did not fast on Sundays. Not sure if you guys know this, but there are actually 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter: 40 days of fasting and the 6 Sundays which are not days of fasting. At first, I couldn’t wait for the Lenten season to be over however when I realized how much more time I had to pray, meditate and literally sit in God’s presence, I am so glad that I did it. I even experienced peace and calmness while some chaotic situations occurred during that time.

I had to face the fact that I was disconnected from God at times because I tend to give everything else priority over nurturing my relationship with Him. So many of us do this and yet we wonder why we are not hearing from Him. We make no room to be still and listen. We shouldn’t just run to the Lord with our problems when we have nowhere else to go but instead run to Him daily for He is our source of LIFE! This also goes to those of us who serve in some kind of ministry. Serving God does not exempt us from spending quality time with Him. Let’s not be so busy working for the Lord that we leave our relationship with Him on a back burner.

This really was one of my most meaningful fast. It really resulted in a season of clarity where I felt more in tune with God. One thing’s for sure, when we feel far from God, it’s a clear sign that we are the ones who have moved because He is constant, unwavering and never changing.

No matter your walk of life, I urge you to quiet down and get reacquainted with God on a personal level. There is no fulfilling life outside of a relationship with Him. And as for any relationship, quality time is required for us to know His voice so well that we can decipher it in the midst of the chaos of our daily lives.

Until next time,

Photography: Enroute Studio


  1. Rosemay
    09/12/2019 / 12:15 PM

    I love everything about the look girl. But the message you convey here is speaking to me loudly…lol 💗💗. I keep listening to the voices in my head and everything around me instead of letting God take over and speak to me. I do listened to a lot of gospel music when driving or call someone to be on the phone with me because when it’s quiet I get angry or anxious, nervous, I guess I have to learn how to find my inner peace

  2. Niria
    09/12/2019 / 7:07 AM

    I really enjoyed this post, the pictures are gorgeous and the white suit just looks amazing on you, definitely boss lady. However, the content about your lent journey and how you shot the noise down for 40 days. It is hard for me to be in silence for one hour, let along 40 days.

    • 09/12/2019 / 7:35 AM

      Thanks so much for the feedback Niria.

      In regards to shutting down the noise, it’s obvious that it’s not easy however, in my opinion, the simple fact that you think doing so is pretty much impossible is a clear sign that you are not making enough room for God to speak. His words asks us to BE STILL! Psalms 46:10. I pray that you’ll consider spending 5 minutes quietly with God. Then increase it to 10 minutes and so on. It is the greatest thing you can do for your spiritual wellbeing.

  3. Bernie Mat
    09/11/2019 / 9:47 PM

    What a beautiful look. I usually shy away from all white outfits because I find them to be very unforgiving of the curves but this is definitely a BOSS outfit. Definitely curvy girl friendly…And whoever came up with that whole rule of “no white after Labor Day” is a liar 😂

    • 09/11/2019 / 9:55 PM

      Thank you so much! You just can never go wrong with a suit. With the right fit, I am certain you too can rock the look, before, after and during Labor Day. Lol 😂 these fashion rules are a thing of the past, thank God!

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