Today could’ve been the 30th anniversary of my death… BUT GOD!

In Haiti, before someone builds a home, they build what we call a ‘reservoir’ as the foundation. From there, pipes are installed for rain water to fall into the reservoir and that water is used for basically everything from laundry, cooking, showers etc…

African print, ankara babydoll long sleeve dress

Well 30 years ago today, on that fateful Tuesday in August 1990, I was playing hide and go seek with my uncle. Meanwhile, one of the maids lifted the opening of the reservoir to get some water and as she turned around to pour the water into a bucket, I came running and fell and she didn’t even realize it. Thankfully, the second maid realized that she had heard my footsteps running towards her but I never made it to the kitchen. The moment she noticed that the reservoir was opened, she screamed and my father came running. Without a second thought, he jumped in to save me. He handed me off as he remained in there waiting for the ladder.

African print, ankara babydoll dress
African print, ankara babydoll dress

Sidebar: When I decided to write this post, I asked my dad to tell me about that day from his perspective and he dismissed me with a quickness by saying that this was one of the worst days of his life and he refuses to relive that moment. So in 30 years, we have never had a conversation about it. I completely understand the feeling of anxiety the memory of such a day can bring forth for a parent.

African print, ankara babydoll long sleeve dress
African print, ankara babydoll long sleeve dress

While all this was happening, my mother who was expecting my little sister at the time, was asleep in her bedroom. She woke up to the sounds of the screams and found so much water in the house. By that time, my mom’s best friend had already rushed me to the pediatrician to make sure I was fine and by the grace of God, I was cleared. The doctor said somehow, I didn’t drink one drop of that water. *Insert praise*

African print, ankara babydoll long sleeve dress

Every time this date comes around, it’s always a reminder for me that God specifically purposed for me to still be here. So many children I grew up with are no longer alive and that reminds me even more how blessed I am. 30 years later, I am really truly grateful to be alive. Life may not be perfect but as long as I have breath in my body, I’m reminded that the Lord has a plan for my life. This day could have been the anniversary of my death but instead it’s a reminder that I am a living testimony of the Lord’s goodness. And that, ladies and gentlemen is why I will forever sing His praises!

Have you ever had a near death experience that God rescued you from?


  1. Nadege Joseph
    08/07/2020 / 10:58 PM

    What a courageous testimony and a powerful message. Amen is all I can say.
    I vividly remembered how we were praising God when heard the news here in NY.
    Never estimate the relentless love of a parent.
    May HIS praise be contiuously in my mouth for being your savior that day and always.

    • 08/08/2020 / 12:44 AM

      Amen indeed cuz!

      I have no recollection of that day but I’m grateful nonetheless. A parent’s love is definitely a glimpse into how much God loves us… He deserves to be praised, always πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  2. You Are Kingdom Woman
    08/07/2020 / 6:40 PM

    Oh my, my heart!!! It’s understandable your dad does not even want to think of that day. His your hero!!!! God is faithful, indeed it was not your time sis!!! You continue singing His praise simply for who He is!!! πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

    • 08/07/2020 / 6:51 PM

      He sure is my hero! My heavenly dad and my earthly dad are just πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½ thanks girl!

  3. Maria
    08/07/2020 / 4:37 PM

    What a blessing πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ

    • 08/07/2020 / 5:36 PM

      A blessing indeed πŸ™ŒπŸ½ thanks for reading Maria 😍

  4. 08/07/2020 / 2:16 PM

    Girlllll!!! Thank you Jesus for his protection on what would have been a fateful day!! I can’t even begin to imagine how traumatic that day must have been for your dad.

    • 08/07/2020 / 5:36 PM

      Oh yeah! The man is traumatized and I totally understand. God is good πŸ™ŒπŸ½

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